What kind of men Japanese girls prefer is a question to which there are as many answers as there are people. Everyone has an opinion about this, much of which is based on second-hand information that rarely has a connection with the truth.

Why not learn the truth from Japanese women themselves. Here are the few qualities they rank very high in men they prefer to date.

Western foreigners

You had probably heard that Japanese women like Western foreigners, but didn’t really believe it. Guess what? It’s hundred percent true.
However, this doesn’t mean Japanese women would go out with you just because you are a Westerner. Well, your being a Westerner living in Japan gives you a head-start against the local guys, but you sure like hell would need many other qualities, like the ones listed ahead, to sweep a Japanese girl off her feet.

Low ego

If you love to brag about yourself, your achievements, your salary, etc., you would not get much far with Japanese women.
Why? Well, because they prefer men with low ego, men who like to listen just as much, if not more, they like to speak. After all, how much fun it is to be with a person whose world starts and ends at “I”.
Take the hint. Drop the ego when going out on a date with a Japanese girl.

Attentive to her

Japanese girls, much like girls from other parts of the world, like men who are attentive to their likes, preferences, and needs.
So if you are a caring person, you would not find it hard to be in a relationship with a Japanese woman. On the other hand, if you are someone who follows the “me-first” mantra in a relationship, you wouldn’t taste much success in dating Japanese girls.


While Japanese women are playful and fun, they usually are not looking for a temporary relationship. Most Japanese women like dating men with whom they can envisage a future. If you are strong on hustle and zero on commitment, you are not likely to get far with Japanese girls. They like their men to be sincere.
Japanese women like hard-working men, and this is not surprising considering how hard-working they themselves are in general. They also like men who share household chores with them. So if you are thinking about a live-in relationship with a Japanese woman, be prepared to do your share of housework.

Courteous and well-mannered

Small things, like opening the door of a car for her, impress a Japanese woman a lot. This kind of attitude is not a strong point of Japanese men and this is where as a Western foreigner you have an advantage over them. If you are courteous and well-mannered, Japanese women would love to go out with you.
Well, these are top 5 qualities that Japanese girls want to see in their men. If you have them all or have most of them, you are likely to be quite successful with Japanese women.

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